Florida Appeals Court Decisions: Week of April 25 - 29, 2022
U.S. Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals
US v. Thomas - sentencing
US v. Clark - Brady, suppression, trial rulings
Johnson v. Fla - exhaustion, abstention
Djadju v. Vega - mootness, habeas, immigration
Florida Supreme Court - Tallahassee
Pittman v. State - capital case, postconviction relief
Dial v. Calusa Palms - Medicare benefits, evidence, past expenses
First District Court of Appeal - Tallahassee
DSK Grp v. Zurich - workers’ compensation
Toyens v. State - statutory rape
Jackson v. State - habeas corpus, unauthorized
Second District Court of Appeal - Lakeland
Petro Welt v. Brinkmann - certiorari, corporate depositions, apex
Zetrouer v. State - drug possession
Edmonds v. State - sentencing
AS v. State - adjudicatory hearing, Zoom, necessity
Addit v. Estate of Ingolia - arbitration, unconscionability, severability
Third District Court of Appeal - Miami
Plastiquim v. Odebrecht Constr - fraud, conspiracy, RICO
United Auto Ins v. Health Care Family Rehab - attorney’s fees, findings
Chess v. Sweeney - fraud on the court, monetary sanctions
Milian v. State - postconviction relief
Ross-Williams v. Leali - receivership, scope, proceedings supplementary
Fourth District Court of Appeal - West Palm Beach
Lopez v. MGA Ins - pre- and post-judgment interest, waiver
Sikich v. State - sentencing
Fifth District Court of Appeal - Daytona Beach
Harrell v. State - postconviction relief
Crenshaw v. State - Anders appeal, scrivener’s error
Giddens v. State - Anders appeal, cost
Guardian Ad Litem Program v. Campbell - certiorari; custody transfer
LM v. DCF - dependency, sufficient evidence
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