Florida Appeals Court Decisions: Week of September 5 - 9, 2022
U.S. Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals
Campbell v. James - default judgment
Chabad Chayil v. Miami-Dade Sch Bd - Monell, equal protection, due process
Does 1-976 v. Chiquita Brands Int’l - summary judgment, excluding evidence
Doe 8 v. Chiquita Brands Int’l - choice of law, tolling
Hunstein v. Preferred Collection - standing, injury en banc, concurrence, dissent
US v. Doak - abuse, trial rulings, sentencing
Florida Supreme Court - Tallahassee
Davis v. State - judicial disqualification, harmless error test
In re Fla Evid Code - new evidence rule, Internet mapping
First District Court of Appeal - Tallahassee
TropiFlora v. DOH - medical marijuana license
Bailey v. State - probation violation
Louis Del Favero Orchids v. DOH - medical marijuana license
Jamerson v. Dixon - appellate jurisdiction
Second District Court of Appeal - Lakeland
Daniels v. State - search and seizure
GCTC Holdings v. T Tag QSR - certiorari, discovery
Third District Court of Appeal - Miami
Mikhaylov v. Bilzin Sumberg - legal malpractice, limitations
White v. AutoZone - employment discrimination, private cause of action
Bath Club Entertm’t v. Residence at Bath Club - contempt, sanctions, fine
Belvant v. Cohen - replevin writ, dissolution, fees, certified conflict
Homeowners Choice v. Fraser - appellate jurisdiction, partial final judgment
Fourth District Court of Appeal - West Palm Beach
Quisenberry v. Bates - constructive service
Singer v. Singer - dissolution; attorney’s fees
Eclectic Synergy v. Seredin - contract; material breach; sanctions
Varga v. Dongal Invest - vacating default; lack of transcript
Sanjuan v. Mena - heath care surrogate, revoking appointment
Construction Consult v. Broward College - accord and satisfaction;
Neeley v. State - postconviction relief, affidavit, declaration, s. 92.525(2).
Auguste v. Hyacinthe - ecclesiastical abstention doctrine
Fifth District Court of Appeal - Daytona Beach
Gracia v. Sec First Ins - summary judgment; insurance, forfeiture, fraud
Brevard Cty v. Waters Mark Development - Bert Harris Act, liability
Cleveland Wellness v. Direct Gen Ins - dismissal, well-pled allegations
State v. Torres - certified question; DUI investigation
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