Florida Appeals Court Decisions: Week of June 26 - 30, 2023
U.S. Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals
No published decisions this week
Florida Supreme Court - Tallahassee
Figueroa-Sanabria v. State - capital case, direct appeal
Tsuji v. H Bart Fleet - repose, nonclaim, suit following death
Steiner v. Dixon - pro se sanctions
Hill v. State - pro se sanctions
In re Fla R Crim Pro - scoresheet amendment
First District Court of Appeal - Tallahassee
Emerson v. State - sentencing, competency
DCF v. Askew - employment discrimination, constructive discharge
Devalle v. DFS - insurance license, revocation, administrative review
Williams v. State - belated appeal
Pattilo v. State - mandamus, mootness
Second District Court of Appeal - St. Petersburg
Perry v. Turner - equity, unclean hands, in pari delicto
Capallo v. Rivera - easement, dock access
Ballard v. Bank of Am - summary judgment standard, reasoning
Third District Court of Appeal - Miami
Russell v. Hassett - homestead exemption, revocation, assessment limitation
First Cmty v. Adjei - appraisal, due process
Fourth District Court of Appeal - West Palm Beach
Daniel’s Tree Serv v. Nat’l Core - liquidated damages clause
Ehrhardt v. State - no contest plea, appellate jurisdiction
Fritz v. Tower Hill - dismissal, pretrial order violation
Universal Prop v. Caboverde - insurance coverage, burden, directed verdict
People’s Trust v. Kidwell - insurance coverage, directed verdict, jury instructions
Nabeack v. State - acceptance of plea, fundamental error, incorrect crime level
Kugelmann v. State - witness opinion on guilt, prejudice
Fifth District Court of Appeal - Daytona Beach
Frazier v. Panera - premises liability, summary judgment, genuine issues
City of Winter Park v. Veigle - vicarious liability, sovereign immunity
Sixth District Court of Appeal - Lakeland
SFR Servs v. Tower Hill Signature - policy construction
Powell v. State - sentencing
Cottington Road TIC v. Ardaman and Assocs - legal duty
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