Florida Appeals Court Decisions: Week of May 22 - 26, 2023
U.S. Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals
N Shore Med v. Cigna - emergency care, insurance reimbursement
Beasley v. O’Reilly Auto Parts - ADA, reasonable accommodations
King v. King - fiduciary duty, duty to disclose, Ga law
Mendez v. Wal-Mart - negligence, premises liability, slip and fall, Ga law
Wade v. Ga Correctional - § 1983, Eighth Amendment
Florida Supreme Court - Tallahassee
Arbelaez v. State - capital case, postconviction relief
Sliney v. State - capital case, postconviction relief
First District Court of Appeal - Tallahassee
Waaser v. State - evidence, DUI
D’Arcy v. Fla Gaming Comm’n - taking, dog racing constitutional amendment
McGee Tire & Auto v. Parsons - age discrimination, mitigating damages, back pay
Fleming v. State - jury selection
Genovese v. Dixon - mandamus, prison disciplinary report
KA v. Sunshine State Health - initial brief, failure to identify error
Addison v. Dixon - mandamus, duty to rule, mootness
Statewide GAL v. JB - certiorari, dependency, reunification objection
Second District Court of Appeal - St. Petersburg
Vuchinich v. Vuchinich - alimony
Gladding v. Hill - probate, fees
Pearson v. State - postconviction relief
Third District Court of Appeal - Miami
State Farm v. Cent Therapy - leave to amend, affirmative defenses
BW v. DCF - dependency, evidence
Hawks Nest v. Westchester - prejudgment interest
Crawford v. Monroe Cnty - leave to amend, complaint
Gomez v. Gomez - statute of frauds, joint venture, unjust enrichment
Fourth District Court of Appeal - West Palm Beach
Deloatch v. State - sexual misconduct, patient, §394.4593(2)
Williams v. State - expunction, criminal history, human trafficking, §943.0583
Tucker v. LNV - appellate preservation; attorney’s fees
Winrow v. Heider - marital dissolution, prenuptial agreement
Clase v. State - sentencing
Nat’l Equity v. Imperial Fund - certiorari, foreclosure, surplus, stay
Huete v. Huete-Sierra - marital dissolution
Wolf v. Wolf - vacating default judgment, rule 1.540(b)
Burns v. State - prohibition, Stand Your Ground
Lornamead v. Fleemin - personal jurisdiction, minimum contacts, asbestos
Domnin v. Domina - prohibition, judicial disqualification
Fifth District Court of Appeal - Daytona Beach
St Marks Pond v. Boles - temporary injunction, bond
Cooper v. State - Anders appeal, investigative costs, probation
Alexander v. State - ineffective assistance, trial
Sixth District Court of Appeal - Lakeland
Smith v. Lyles - new trial, improper testimony
SRF Servs. v. Tower Hill Prime - insurance, policy construction
Covington v. State - suppression of evidence
Travel Ins. Facilities v. Naples Comm. Hosp. - personal jurisdiction
Pipher v. Pipher - domestic violence injunction
Bensen v. Privilege - insurance, policy construction
Adv. Fla. Med. Grp. v. Progressive - pleading affirmative defenses
Boggs v. Dep't of Revenue - child support
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