Florida Appeals Court Decisions: Week of October 9-13, 2023
U.S. Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals
Lowman v. FAA - Nat’l Environ Policy Act, standing
Wade v. Ga Correctional Health - rehearing en banc granted, vacating this decision
Stanley v. Sanford - ADA, postemployment fringe benefits
Johnson v. Lewis - Eighth Amendment, deliberate indifference
USA v. Pate - en banc, retaliatory liens
USA v. Dunn - Speedy Trial Act
Florida Supreme Court - Tallahassee
Univ of Fla BOT v. Carmody - rehearing denied, dissent
In re Fla R App P - amended rules
In re Small Claims R - amended rules
First District Court of Appeal - Tallahassee
Strickland v. Strickland - equitable distribution
Clark v. State - appellate jurisdiction, sentencing
Smith v. Bright - nonbinding arbitration, rule 1.820(h)
McChessney v. Spinnaker Cove HA - appellate jurisdiction, finality
Neal v. Waterfront Rescue Mission - mandamus, requirements
Second District Court of Appeal - St. Petersburg
Jean v. DOC - gain time
CCP H Island v. Manor at H Island - punitive damages amendment
Clark v. State - postconviction relief, trial court requirements
Third District Court of Appeal - Miami
Weiss v. BI 27 - lis pendens, fraud in execution
Spector v. Spector - alimony, factors
Sanchez v. 230 4th Mia Owner - rent
Leben v. Suarez - service of process
Condell v. State - ineffective assistance
Fourth District Court of Appeal - West Palm Beach
Tellam v. State - resisting arrest, elements
Luley v. Danto - confession of error, dismissal, sanction
Chiaravalle v. State - DUI investigation, administrative rule
Fifth District Court of Appeal - Daytona Beach
Green Gables v. AHG Tax - summary judgment, affirmative defenses, reply
Litsch v. Litsch - child custody, UCCJEA
Ganiban v. McManus - certiorari, corporate dissolution, injunction, contempt
Virginia v. State - postconviction relief
Kelly v. State - postconviction relief
Hall v. State - Spencer warning, pro se
Sixth District Court of Appeal - Lakeland
Asset Recovery v. Wells Fargo - foreclosure, funds disbursement
Griffen v. State - postconviction relief