Bitcoin is Speech: Notes Toward Developing the Conceptual Contours of Its Protection Under the First Amendment
Carlton Fields attorney Justin S. Wales, who co-chairs the firm’s Blockchain and Digital Currency Practice, co-authored an article in the University of Miami Law Review outlining a framework for applying the First Amendment to Bitcoin and related technologies. The article argues that Bitcoin is not just a digital payment mechanism, as it allows users to engage in direct expressive activity with one another using blockchain.
“With a proper and often overlooked understanding of what Bitcoin is, and what it is potentially capable of as a communicative medium, it is not difficult to understand that scholarship and analysis of how the First Amendment can be applied to protect its broader uses should be explored,” states the article, which Wales co-authored with the late Carlton Fields attorney Richard J. Ovelmen.
READ: University of Miami Law Review — “Bitcoin is Speech: Notes Toward Developing the Conceptual Contours of Its Protection Under the First Amendment”
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