Carlton Fields Shareholder Steven J. Brodie Named Co-Chair of 2019-2020 United Way Annual Campaign
Carlton Fields Shareholder Steven J. Brodie will co-chair United Way of Miami-Dade's 2019-2020 annual campaign, his third consecutive year in the role. Each year, the campaign calls upon 250 workplaces and thousands of individual contributors to support education, financial stability, and health programming throughout Miami-Dade County. Brodie, also a longtime United Way board member, will work alongside co-chairs Frank Gonzalez of MBAF and Neisen Kasdin of Akerman.
To kick off this year's campaign, Brodie authored an op-ed in the Miami Herald highlighting United Way of Miami-Dade's history of helping those in need, including current efforts to aid victims of Hurricane Dorian.
"As business leaders and as residents of this burgeoning city, we must all participate in taking care of those who need us most," Brodie wrote.
Brodie is Carlton Fields' Miami office co-managing shareholder and co-chair of the firm's Property and Casualty Insurance Practice.
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