Carlton Fields’ Clark Lackert Appointed to American Bar Association Section of Intellectual Property Law Leadership Positions
New York – Carlton Fields is pleased to announce that intellectual property attorney Clark Lackert has been appointed to American Bar Association (ABA) Section of Intellectual Property Law, Trademark Division leadership positions. Lackert was named chair of the Trademark Use on the Internet subcommittee, which sits under the Trademarks and the Internet committee, and vice chair of the Trademark Law in Space subcommittee, which is situated under the International Trademark Law committee. His one-year terms commence August 1, 2021.
These committees concentrate on issues related to trademarks, trade names, branding, unfair trade practices, unfair competition, false advertising, counterfeiting, and domain name infringement. Lackert has decades of involvement in the ABA and the Section of Intellectual Property Law’s committees and subcommittees.
At Carlton Fields, Lackert focuses his practice on trademark, copyright, domain name, licensing, and anti-counterfeiting matters, both in the United States and internationally. He has more than two decades of experience in all aspects of international trademark and copyright laws, including conflict and litigation cases, acquisitions and divestitures involving due diligence for intellectual property assets, licensing and franchising, enforcement actions, and global portfolio management.
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