Carlton Fields’ Trish Calhoun and Trish Carreiro Featured in Media on Privacy in the Health Care Industry
Carlton Fields health care and privacy attorneys Trish Calhoun and Trish Carreiro were featured in several business publications, including Dark Reading, Health IT Security, the South Florida Business Journal, STAT, and the Tampa Bay Business Journal, to share their thoughts on privacy in the healthcare industry, particularly amid the coronavirus pandemic.
The articles advise of the real privacy risks associated with the sudden shift to telehealth and the Department for Health and Human Services and the Office for Civil Rights’ recent loosening of regulations related to compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
Calhoun and Carreiro strongly suggest healthcare providers protect themselves by signing business associate agreements with HIPAA-compliant vendors, extensively training employees, and reminding patients of related risks.
Even outside of the coronavirus crisis, Calhoun and Carreiro caution healthcare companies to carefully consider the challenges of innovating within the industry while staying compliant to HIPAA and its intricacies.